Compelling Copywriting for Brochures, Web and News Media


We have researched and written hundreds of brand and marketing collateral pieces for use with audiences in Europe, Asia and the Americas. We have also used our copywriting expertise to produce rich but concise content for websites, international campaigns and annual reports. In each case our writing is accurate, approachable and strategically crafted to embed the key messages and seize the expert position.

We already understand the delicate stakeholder balance required in creative and cultural industry copywriting. This means we can progress from a brief discussion to an approval-ready draft while consuming the minimum of management resource. More often than not, our copywriting is translated into other languages. Here our clear and concise approach pays dividends with a quicker turn-around and fewer translation errors.

what we do
Writing for the Web

Website copywriting is the art of getting quickly to the point without dumbing-down or losing the brand voice. All content needs to authentically tell your story while still allowing search engines to determine your expertise. We design sitemaps and write web content for global non-profits, mid-sized commercial enterprises and start-ups to maximise user experience and brand engagement.

Campaign Copywriting

We research and write concise, highly targeted content for campaigns and advertising. By distilling the detail down to its essential elements, we embed the key message and hook the audience’s attention in the absolute minimum number of words. If a campaign truly matters, you need a specialist copywriter who can extract the few crucial concepts that will convey the message when space is short.

Media Relations

We have produced media content and press releases for launches, new technology, international policy announcements and national legislative change. In each case we used the release as a carrier for the key message and without oversimplifying the detail, found ways to make complex issues accessible to non-experts. Our text provided all the information and context for journalists to produce their own expertly written articles.

Reports and Brochures

Well-researched and properly written reports are the backbone of an organisation’s expert positioning. We have delivered articles, analyses, white papers and complete annual reports for clients to reinforce their brand, advance their causes or launch their campaigns. This keystone content has been printed for customers and annual meetings, distributed digitally and used as the basis for months of social media micro-content.

Did you promise you’d only use creative industry specialists for copywriting from now on?

Copywriting Examples

Fair Trade Music International non-profit website

The Fair Trade Music campaign aims to educate the industry and public on the challenges facing songwriters and composers as a result of inequitable music economy. It also aims to recognise and reward positive behaviour in creating transparency and fairness.

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Millertech Membership Software corporate website

This international non-profit is one of the world’s best known organisations within the authors’ rights sector. We were contracted to create a ground-up redesign that helped to reposition the organisation as a modern, international lobbying entity.

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