Songwriters Association of Canada non-profit website

Brand IdentityBrand StrategyCopywritingWebsite Design

Project details

This historic Canadian non-profit organisation approached us to provide a visual design and content strategy for their new front-end website. Over a period of months, we met regularly with the leadership team to understand the unique attributes and challenges facing their diverse membership. We then created a number of candidate designs and from the final selection, created a complete set of wireframes to pass to their developers.

A change of strategy meant that the client’s executive director asked use to also build the site in WordPress and to provide guidance for the complementary styling of the members’ section. With a tight deadline for the revised project, we converted our wireframes into a fully operational site in three weeks.

In parallel with the visual design, we also created new brand identity for the organisation and conducted all the copywriting for the new website.

About the client

Founded more than 35 years ago, the Songwriters Association of Canada (S.A.C.) is one of Canada’s leading advocating bodies on behalf of Canadian music creators. Led by a board of renowned Canadian music creators and industry experts, its mission is to provide value to members by developing and protecting the creative, business and legal interests of Canadian music creators.

With over 1,000 current members, including 200+ professionals, The S.A.C. offers a suite of invaluable digital services and provides education and community for songwriters, lyricists, beatmakers, sound designers, topliners, instrumentalists and song collaborators.


The site is live and following our training and support, is being expanded and further developed by the client.

Visual design wireframes

2021 SAC homepage

History archive

Membership benefits page

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